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About Sofiia Di Beo

Art has been my passion for as long as my memory goes. Certainly of all the tasks in the world, nothing has fascinated me as much as capturing the world on canvas. 


I have studied academic techniques of art with a teacher early in my years in Kyiv, Ukraine, the country of my deepest sentiments. Eventually moved on to create my style after finishing the art school.

It has been my fortune to be able to travel and reside in many countries around the globe, speak many languages, and therefore be able to absorb the spirits of all the cultures I have encountered, so beautiful in themselves, that have deeply influenced by understanding of art and capturing "reality".


Currently I am completing my Master's degree in Arts and Culture Management, but I hope to one day be free to sustain myself with what I love most -- art.


Quite honestly, what is considered beautiful by humanity, is a deep feeling that not even the greatest philosophers have been able to explain completely rationally. 

With that said, enjoy what you feel is beautiful 



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